Charles Snow 

 Chronology of Public Affairs Activity

 2012 - present Snow Consulting, Washington, DC
Public Affairs Consultant   
Provide strategic advise on major aspects of campaigns, elections and other projects. 

         One Bermuda Alliance (Political Party), Bermuda
GOTV Consultant
Provided advise, training and consultation to the party's candidates regarding canvassing, message and election day operations.

    Nia Gill for Congress, Montclair, NJ
Deputy Field Director 
Wrote plans, supervised volunteers, targeted district, directed field canvasses, managed E-day opts., etc

 Kinlow for School Board, Wash., DC
Campaign Manager

Wrote the plan, developed the strategy, targeted the precincts, negotiated with vendors, created the message and
designed literature and 
directed E-day operations.

                                                 One Nation Working Together, Wash., DC
DC Field Organizer                         

Directed DC outreach activities to increase crowd building and turnout for the 10.2.10 national March on Washington. 
Developed and wrote the canvassing plan, organized conference calls and team meetings, coordinated strategies and
managed daily distribution of materials to constituency groups; Labor, Non-Profits, Elected Officials, Small Businesses,
Steering Committee Members and supervised volunteers.



2009-2010                                        Henry for Mayor, New Orleans, LA
Deputy Campaign Manager            

Wrote the campaign plan and developed overall strategy. Managed the campaign ensuring effective results
 in media, field, and coordination of most campaign units.

2006-2008                                        Democratic State Committee, Wash., DC

Field Director                                                    

Managed Voter File (VAN), organized  local candidate forums assisted ward Chairpersons with
various outreach activities.
Directed GOTV rally, planned Coordinated Campaign, liaison to Obama/Biden
Campaign, managed day -to-day operations of the State Committee office.                                                                       

Emergency Preparedness Campaign, Wash., DC
City Coordinator               

Planned and coordinated all outreach activities in the District of Columbia. Promoted and marketed materials,
created and organized events. Supervised 2 consultants and several volunteers, wrote weekly and
monthly reports, led strategy meetings, liaison with Elected Officials, Civic Leaders and PR Reps. 


2004                                                Kerry-Edwards Coordinated Campaign, Wisconsin
GOTV Director                                 

Directed GOTV activities in Racine County. Supervised 8 staffers and several volunteers; researched
election laws, legislative issues, targeted precincts, researched policy issues, briefed public officials and
managed boiler room operations, etc.


2004                                                 Acting Mayor Marvin Pratt, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Primary Day Coordinator                 

Researched, planned and coordinated all Election Day activities for Primary Campaign. Targeted precincts,
trained poll workers, supervised phone banks, volunteers and directed complete flushing operations.

Primary Day Coordinator                  Eugene Kinlow for Council At-Large, Wash. DC

Researched, planned and coordinated all Election Day activities for Primary campaign. Targeted precincts,
trained poll workers, supervised phone banks, volunteers and directed complete flushing operations.


Deputy Chief of Staff for Outreach:   U.S. Senator, Robert Torricelli, New Jersey

Created and directed all activities relating to African-Americans; Elected Officials, Ministers, Officials,
Business Professionals, Civic and Social Organizations, etc.


Base Vote GOTV Consultant:         Committee to Re-elect Mayor Lee Brown, Houston,TX

Coordinated GOTV activities in a “super neighborhood”. Organized operations from staging area; phones,
canvass, poll watchers, re-deployed canvassers based on turnout results.


Base Vote GOTV Consultant:          Mark Warner for Governor, Virginia.

Coordinated GOTV activities in Richmond. Directed all Election Day operations from staging area;
door to door canvass, phone banks, poll watchers, ride to the polls, etc.

Base Vote Director:                         Gore/Lieberman Coordinated Campaign, Nevada   

Directed base vote GOTV activities: managed “early vote” program, candidate and surrogates’ appearances,
opportunities, events, phone banks, canvassing, etc.

Podium Operations:                         Democratic National Convention, LA, California

Coordinated logistics and security for podium speakers and presenters. Assisted with “speaker tracking”.                           


 Campaign Staffer:                           Clinton/Gore Primary & General Committee’s, Wash. DC
  As a Lead Advanceman, responsibilities included site selection, event management, vendor contract negotiations, 
  volunteer supervision and briefings for public officials.      


 1995 –1996

  Advance Director:                          Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games, Atlanta, GA

  Planned, managed, and directed all program activities of the Olympic Torch Relay route, logistics, volunteers,
  media and sponsorship issues throughout the eight state Mid-Atlantic Region. Prepared daily reports for the
  program director, assisted database coordinators and I recruited, trained and maintained collaborative relationships with
  the local civic and elected leaders of the towns and cities in the region.      




  National Advance Staff:                    President Bill Clinton, White House, Wash., DC
  Provided consultation on the planning and execution of presidential trips. Responsible for diplomacy, site selection
  and logistics, event management, briefings, etc.           

Personal Assistant to the Mayor &
Director of Mayoral Advance:            Sharon Pratt Kelly, Mayor, District of Columbia

Developed and designed the Office of Advance for the Executive Office of the Mayor. Coordinated all logistics,
politics and press during the Mayor’s public appearances. Supervised two staff assistants, acted as liaison
to the Mayor's Cabinet.


    Education:    MS, Information Technology, University of Maryland (UMUC)
- CIO (chief information officer) Certificate, UMUC
- MCP (microsoft certified professional)

                                - A+ Certified (computer hardware specialist)
           BA, Brandeis University



  Community Activities:        

Member, NAACP, Washington, DC 2010


Board member/Teacher, Byte Back Computer Center - Wash., DC 2005-2009


Olympic Torch Relay Bearer - Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games, 1996


Awarded the “Key to the City”- Office of the Mayor, Columbia, SC 1996


Certificate of Achievement – AFL-CIO Organizing Institute, Wash., DC 1990


Union Delegate (elected) – AFSCME, Local 371 New York, NY 



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